Immersion Therapy was developed within the Biopsychosocial Model to offer freedom of movement using SCUBA equipment. Determined2 has delivered approximately 5,000 Immersion Therapy sessions out of South Australia, and seen a range of social, physical and psychological outcomes for participants.
Now, the world first ‘Immersion Therapy’ provider Determined2 was recently named a finalist in the 2019 Telstra Business Awards and one of Australia’s first organisations recognised under the new and rigorous NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

“The credibility and recognition on this scale is massive, and it’s amazing to be acknowledged as innovators. What we do is a natural evolution that can help people with a better quality of life. It’s also another option. No two people are the same and the more options the better,”
Peter Wilson, Managing Director
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is a new independent regulator that has been established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS services by ensuring organisations that provide services to people with disability meet the NDIS Practice Standards. The NDIS Practice Standards consist of testing through a core module and several supplementary modules that apply according to the types
of services are delivered.
“Even in the words of the auditors, it is one of the most in-depth and comprehensive audits in Australia. It goes through all of the systems,
the approaches and everything in between.” Wilson said the NDIS audit is something that they have been preparing for since day one. “I always had the belief that because it was new and pioneering, we needed to hit the highest measure of quality assurance. The audit and recertification process was the highest grade of quality assurance in Australia – it really is the benchmark,” he said.
Determined2 has also been working in partnership with the University of South Australia to conduct a Research Study to find hard evidence for the benefits of this already popular therapy. UniSA senior lecturer in human movement and clinical exercise physiology, Dr Kade Davison said anecdotally many participants report an
improved range of movement, improved coordination, increased energy and a heightened happiness after a session.
Determined2 has been recognised as much for the quality of its service model in actively engaging people living with a wide range of disabilities, as for the innovative service it provides. We hope our research will lend support to their ambitions, by providing the evidence base for health and fitness benefits.
Dr Kade Davison, UniSA senior lecturer in human movement and clinical exercise physiology
The outcomes that people work towards are whole person, physical, psychological and social. Some get more benefit in one space or the
Peter Wilson, Managing Director
other or a sprinkle of all of those things, our job is to support and facilitate their journey through that.