Since Covid, many companies have made their workplaces more dog friendly. But with public transport cited as one of the major barriers for workers bringing their fur besties to work, it might be necessary to do this by catching a cab with your pet in tow.
Since Uber Pet launched in 2020, allowing riders to match with a driver-partner willing to transport their fur friend too, the rideshare service has seen a 79% increase in pet owners travelling with their beloved pooches, with a 97% increase in riders commuting to and from work with pets.
Below are some handy tips for using the Uber Pet or for any rideshare service that takes pets.

- Seems an obvious one but just like us humans it’s important to make sure your pet has the opportunity to use the toilet before you order your Uber Pet trip, to avoid any possibility of accidents or your pet feeling anxious during the trip. There’s nothing worse than travelling in the car and busting for the bathroom, no matter what species you are!
- Ensure, when you order your Uber Pet trip, you’re adhering to the guidelines, such as only bringing along one pet, and keeping them restrained throughout the trip, on a leash or harness, or in a travel crate.
- Ask the driver their preference on where your canine companion sits before hopping in the car. Smaller pooches should comfortably sit on your lap, whereas the floor of the backseats may be more comfortable for bigger dogs (also prime ear scratch position!). Drivers often don’t mind putting the front seat forward to make sure there’s plenty of room for your pup on the floor.

- Make sure your pooch is regularly groomed to help avoid any unpleasant smells, dirt or hair from being left behind after your ride. Keeping their nails short also helps avoid them catching on fabric or marking leather. If your pup has luscious locks that shed year round like Archie, a towel or blanket on the floor/ protecting the back of the seat in front of you is always appreciated by your driver. Urban Furdo Pet Styling always has Archie looking his best to avoid leaving any evidence of his presence behind.
- Make sure your pooch is well versed in doggy manners to ensure they are a five star passenger. I recommend bringing treats along for the trip to reward good behaviour and make it a pleasant experience for both you, your dog and the driver. You could also get your pooch used to driving in their easiest “Uber position” beforehand with shorter trips if they aren’t used to riding on the floor or in a crate, and use lots of praise and treats to get them ready for the adventures you’ll be going on!
- Remember that although you adore your pup, sometimes drivers haven’t had the chance to learn how to tell if a dog is friendly or nervous. They’re doing us pet lovers a favour by driving us safely from A to B, so make sure you’re respectful of their space too and don’t let your dog approach them unless the driver has said they’d like to. Remember to leave a tip as a big thank you for getting you both safely to your destination!