NFTs are right in there with Bitcoin, Crypto and Blockchain – all those current buzzwords many of us are trying to keep up with. But 10-year-old Australian artist FRANC has well and truly embraced the tech, and is set to launch her first collection of NFTs on Valentine’s Day – February 14.
For those in the know, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), are a type of digital asset designed to represent ownership of a unique virtual item, such as a piece of art or rare sports trading cards. An NFT is a one-of-a-kind digital asset which belongs to you and you only.

The most popular NFTs right now include artwork and music but can also include videos and even tweets. Ownership of these items is tracked on the blockchain, the technology behind most cryptocurrencies.
FRANC is considered one of Australia’s youngest NFT artists and she’s created a collection of 36 NFTs, (fittingly known as Heart Strings), to further explore the world of digital art.
FRANC’s NFTs will be selling online at the NFT Marketplace Opensea. These NFTs made by FRANC are truly art with heart because 10% of each original artwork sold will go to www.Franc.World – a platform designed to educate and empower tween girls (aged 9-14) – also part-owned by FRANC.
Each artwork has been hand-made by FRANC – a 10-year-old Australian artist. Each piece is a study in texture, bright pattern, bold colours and sensory stimulation. Digital NFTs have been created from the physical artworks in MP4 format, bringing further movement and life to the already tactile creations.
FRANC loves texture, bright pattern, bold colours and sensory, tactile art and each of her artworks has been created using wool on canvas. The colours relate to the Pantone ‘Colour of the Year’, with one for each of the 12 years in Franc’s life (including her 11th birthday in 2022).

As FRANC herself says: “Tweens love things like slime, pompoms and fidgets. While my artworks are fun to create, they are amazing to touch and play with – the perfect artwork!”
The funds raised by selling these artworks will be used to support initiatives such as the Franc Award for Art, the annual Franc Report (which provides insights into the thoughts and mental health of this age group), and to support the platform’s chosen charities such as Share The Dignity and the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.
To take a look at the NFTs on sale, visit NFT Marketplace Opensea.
More about Franc.World: Franc.World is a platform dedicated to the education and empowerment of Australian tween girls, (between the ages of 9-14). Not quite a child, yet not fully a teenager, this age is a constant balance between childhood and the changing pace of teenage life. Ten percent of the funds raised from FRANC’s NFT sales will go to Franc.World. The funds will be used to support initiatives such as the Franc annual Awards for Art, Literary, Entrepreneurship and STEM, the annual Franc Report (which provides insights into the thoughts and mental health of this age group), and to support the platform’s chosen charities such as Share The Dignity and the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.
The artist: FRANC is a 10-year-old Australian girl who loves texture, bright pattern, bold colours and sensory, tactile objects like slime, pompoms and fidgets. “While they’re fun to create they are amazing to touch and play with – the perfect artwork for tweens.”
For more about Franc.World, visit here.
For more from Women Love Tech on creative art, visit here.