Create Your Own AI Artwork For Your Spotify PlayList

Spotify just got a whole lot more fun. If you enjoy expressing your creativity, there is a new feature called AI Playlist Art which allows you to tap a button to generate AI-created art for your personal playlist.

I tried the new microsite which was introduced today and it created some magical swirling imagery for me. It’s a great way to liven up your day and your musical listening experience so I recommend you having a play with this new feature.

It is available for both Free and Premium Spotify users.

Spotify musical artwork created with AI

Here’s how it works: 

  • Users can log into their Spotify account via the AI Playlist Art microsite and select one of their own playlists that they wish to create an image for.
  • The image generation tool works by selecting a track from that playlist and analysing certain attributes which relate to the style of music such as danceability and energy levels.
  • Based on these attributes, the tool generates certain text prompts which are run through the AI to generate the image.
  • Users can then apply the image to their playlist or share their artwork to platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.
Robyn Foyster: Robyn Foyster is an award-winning journalist and former Editor-In-Chief of The Australian Women's Weekly and Publisher of the Hearst Group in Australia, responsible for Harper's BAZAAR, Cosmopolitan and madison magazine. Robyn is the owner and editor of Women Love Tech, Game Changers and The Carousel. Robyn's tech company AR Tech produced the augmented reality app for Sydney's Vivid Festival in 2018 and the retail app Sweep. She is a speaker at events such as SXSW, CeBit and more recently the Intel AI Summit and a judge of the Telstra Business Awards and Mumbrella Awards. Robyn is passionate about supporting women in STEM. She is also a 2023 Finalist in the Women Leading Tech Awards as a Champion of Change, 2022 B&T Women In Media Awards Finalist in the Entrepreneur category and a multiple Finalist in the Samsung Lizzie's Awards.

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