Create Your Own AI Artwork For Your Spotify PlayList

By Robyn Foyster Robyn Foyster has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team
on 28 June 2023

Spotify just got a whole lot more fun. If you enjoy expressing your creativity, there is a new feature called AI Playlist Art which allows you to tap a button to generate AI-created art for your personal playlist.

I tried the new microsite which was introduced today and it created some magical swirling imagery for me. It’s a great way to liven up your day and your musical listening experience so I recommend you having a play with this new feature.

It is available for both Free and Premium Spotify users.

AI Harmonies: Spotify's Musical Artwork
Spotify musical artwork created with AI

Here’s how it works: 

  • Users can log into their Spotify account via the AI Playlist Art microsite and select one of their own playlists that they wish to create an image for.
  • The image generation tool works by selecting a track from that playlist and analysing certain attributes which relate to the style of music such as danceability and energy levels. 
  • Based on these attributes, the tool generates certain text prompts which are run through the AI to generate the image.
  • Users can then apply the image to their playlist or share their artwork to platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.

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