The Best Alexa Hacks To Boost Your Sustainability

By Pamela Connellan
on 24 March 2021

With Earth Hour coming up this Saturday night, Amazon has released some of the best Alexa hacks along with its new ‘energy dashboard’ so you can work on reducing your environmental footprint and boosting your sustainability levels.

Recent government research has shown at least 75% of Australians are concerned about climate change but we are also confused about what steps we can take to make positive change in this area.

So here are some tips from Amazon to help you make that positive change. Firstly, you can utilise Alexa’s new energy dashboard because it allows you to track, manage and save your energy usage in your home. See how it works in this video below:

Here are some examples of Alexa skills and commands which will boost your sustainability game:

Pick up green tips:

Most of us want to be more sustainable but it’s tricky to know what you can do at times. Here are some Alexa commands and skills so when you’re not sure, you can simply ask and get an easy tips for limiting your impact on the earth.

Try Alexa’s ‘Sustainability tip of the day.’ You simply ask: “What’s my green/eco/sustainability hack of the day” and Alexa will provide a handy tip.

Or in Alexa skills, Go Green offers tips on issues including water conservation, pollution, recycling and energy saving.

So simply ask Alexa:

“Alexa, ask go green for a tip on saving energy.”

“Alexa, ask go green for a random tip.”

“Alexa, ask go green for a tip on water conservation.”

To educate children it can be fun – go to Captain Earth, a fun interactive adventure where the foundations of recycling and reusing are used to save planet earth.

Make the most of your leftovers:

Every year Australians waste around 7.3 million tonnes of food, the equivalent of one in five bags of groceries. Limit your own food waste with a little help from recipe skills providing inspiration to turn that lonely carrot in your vegetable drawer into a tasty meal. Use skills like and Recipe Finder to ask for recipes using up specific ingredients, or substitute things you’re missing, simply ask:

“Alexa, give me a chicken recipe from Taste”

 “Alexa, what can I make with onion, chicken and cheese”

 “Alexa, give me an egg-free cake recipe”

Pizza BoxGet on top of your recycling strategy:

Did you know 94% of Australians make recycling mistakes? From not knowing which plastics can go in the recycling bin, to forgetting to remove food from cardboard containers, well-meaning Aussies need a helping hand to master their recycling skills and Alexa can help with that! Simply ask:

“Alexa, can I recycle pizza boxes?”

“Alexa, are egg containers recyclable?”

Grow your own:

One of the simplest ways to not only minimise your own environmental impact but give back to the environment as well is by growing your own fruit and veges. Whether you’re just starting out, or looking for tips to make your garden more eco-friendly tune into the GREEN Organic Gardener Podcast, designed to inspire, teach and promote “earth friendly” gardening.

Or for tips on when to plant your favourite herbs and veg, simply ask:

 “Alexa, when should I plant tomatoes?”

“Alexa, when is the best time to plant zucchini?”

 Amazon walks the talk with Echo Sustainability: 

The Amazon Echo (4th Gen), Amazon Echo Dot (4th Gen), Echo Dot with clock (4th Gen) and Echo Show 10 devices are built with 100% post-consumer recycled fabric, 100% recycled die-cast aluminium, and 30-50% post-consumer recycled plastic. Plus, 98% of Echo device packaging is made from wood-fibre based materials from responsibly managed forests or recycled sources.

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